
Best scoliosis Treatment in NYC

May 20, 2024
Discover the best scoliosis treatment in NYC at Manhattan Physical Therapy. Restore balance and comfort with expert care. Cal
Discover the best scoliosis treatment in NYC at Manhattan Physical Therapy. Restore balance and comfort with expert care. Call (680)-208-3884 today!

If you feel like scoliosis has ripped, you off that normal life of excitement and joy due to the constant discomfort and lopsided walking style then brace up; there is a solution for it. It is you who have just started your growth towards a pain-free and healthy life. Here we would like to introduce you to a great generation of treatments for scoliosis dealing with complex patients one needs good teams of experts and good results from their activities.


Think about your life – drinking without questioning it, walking without hesitation, eating without second thoughts, talking without monitoring yourself – that is what our treatment gives. The frequent problems of this disease can be determined by genetic factors or the phase of growing up; nevertheless, we are here to save you from any possible difficulties. You are on the first step to relief tomorrow!


No need to look any further simply give us a call at (680)-208-3884 or visit our location during the hours that are posted. Visit us and taste the liberation that brings you the right degree of mobility and a very dynamic life with wellness as your ally.


Types of Scoliosis


There are several types of scoliosis, each with distinct characteristics and causes:


  1. Idiopathic Scoliosis: This is the most commonly occurring form of scoliosis and makes up about 80 % of scoliosis conditions. Idiopathic means the source of the condition is unclear; however, evidence has shown that its origin is a form of heredity. Healthcare providers further classify idiopathic scoliosis based on the age of diagnosis:


  • Infantile Scoliosis: Greater than diagnosing children under 3 years of age.


  • Juvenile Scoliosis: Cases diagnosed between the ages 4 and 10.


  • Adolescent Scoliosis: Males diagnosed during the period of 11 or 18 years of age.


  • Adult Idiopathic Scoliosis: After skeletal growth is complete which starts from eighteen years.


  1. Congenital Scoliosis: This is the least common type, and it is present at birth due to changes that occur in the vertebral formation at the embryonic development stage. It can be detected early by the practitioners.


  1. Neuromuscular Scoliosis: This is a type of scoliosis that is due to abnormalities in the muscles and nerves that support the spine, and it can occur because of neurological and muscular conditions for instance cerebral palsy, spina bifida, and muscular dystrophy.


Furthermore, scoliosis occurring later in life due to the deterioration of spinal discs or joints or owing to the increased loss of bone density is termed adult scoliosis or degenerative scoliosis.


Risk Factors for Scoliosis


Certain factors increase the risk of developing scoliosis:


  • Genetic Predisposition: Being at risk means that a family history of scoliosis can aggravate the situation.


  • Underlying Conditions: Those are pain in the spine, muscles, and nerve nerves.


  • Gender: Even though both males and females can develop scoliosis and thus need treatment, the presentation in females is generally more severe having larger angles of curvature.


symptoms of Scoliosis


Scoliosis refers to a disorder that causes lateral curvature of the spine. The symptoms can vary in severity and may include:


  • Visible Curvature: A part of the spinal column that makes a distinct curve in the shape of a capital “S” or “C” when viewed from the back.


  • Uneven Shoulders: An individual feels the left shoulder is higher than the right one.


  • Asymmetrical Waist: The waist might look a bit disproportionate; it might look as though it is larger than it is on the right side.


  • Rib Prominence: Asymmetric: It is a condition characterized by more ribcage protrusion on one side than the other.


  • Hip Discrepancy: An obese patient may also have one side more rotund than the other.


  • Leaning to One Side: It is a heuristic for leaning to one side of the body when standing in position or sitting.


  • Back Pain: Back problems or pain may also occur if the original curve is high.


  • Difficulty Breathing: In extreme cases, the twist or curvature can affect the lung function provoking breathing problems.


  • Fatigue: Muscular fatigue may result from the uneven leveling of body weight and the stress incurred on the spine and muscles.


  • Changes in Posture: The posture may in general be totally out of order with that of the head leaning forward or to one side.


This can vary from mild to severe and may get worse with time, especially during events of rapid growth, which is during the puberty stage. It also means that clinical intervention is needed for scoliosis early in life.




An individual with scoliosis is diagnosed by the healthcare provider through examinations and medical pictures. The diagnostic process includes:


  1. Physical Examination: You will also be asked to straighten your back and then bend forward to the floor to touch your toes as the provider observes to help identify the condition of your spine and the limits of your movement. The nurses will also need to check your reflexes and muscle strength to determine whether your nerves are functioning normally.


  1. Medical History: Potential discussion topics on blood work: things related to the patient’s medical history; blood work; family history; the onset of symptoms; bowel and bladder problems; and motor issues.


  1. Imaging Tests: Turning the body to the right and left side allows for a clearer view of the spine’s curvature. Follow-up imaging of the spine and other tissues and organs may be requested, including CT or MRI imaging.


Holistic Approach to Scoliosis Management


At Manhattan Physical Therapy, scoliosis treatment is not a one-size-fits-all solution. Our clinic employs a holistic approach that includes thorough assessments, individualized treatment plans, and ongoing monitoring to ensure optimal outcomes. Here’s how we address scoliosis:


1. Detailed Assessment and Diagnosis


The journey to effective scoliosis treatment begins with a detailed assessment and accurate diagnosis. We utilize advanced imaging technologies such as digital X-rays and 3D body scans to measure the curvature of the spine precisely. This comprehensive evaluation helps in understanding the extent of the condition and formulating a tailored treatment plan.


2. Prescribe Physical Therapy Programs


PT is one of the major options offered at Manhattan Physical Therapy as a scoliosis treatment. All the specialists from the clinic develop personalized training programs to reinforce the muscles surrounding the spine and neck as well as to improve overall body posture of flexibility. These programs may include:


  • Schroth Method: A type of scoliosis treatment based on physiotherapy exercises such as stretching and postural therapy, which helps in the elongation of the spine and the elimination of postural abnormalities through breathing exercises.


  • Core Stabilization Exercises: Core exercises aimed at improving the muscles around the spine to ease low back pain and prevent it from curving.


  • Postural Training: Counseling and training of the patients in improving their postures while performing daily activities to avoid further progression of scoliosis.


3. Contemporary strategies and techniques for managing chronic pain


The pain management of scoliosis sufferers is an important aspect of these conditions. Manhattan Physical Therapy offers various pain management strategies, including:


  • Manual Therapy: Hands-on techniques to mobilize the spine, reduce pain, and improve function.



  • Electrotherapy: Electrical therapies in which electrical currents are deployed to stimulate muscles to reduce pain.


  • Heat and Cold Therapy: Use of heating pads and ice bags to relieve pain or promote healing.


4. Bracing Solutions


Scoliosis bracing is an exercise that is a therapeutic process of halting or at least slowing the development of scoliosis. We use TLSO and CTLSO braces ideal for a person with back pain or injury; they fit comfortably with no pain. We utilize state-of-the-art equipment for the fitting of the dentures and continuous aftercare to ensure the retainment of the perfect fitting. When bracing we also add physical therapy to the process to specifically build up the spinal muscles.


5. Post-Surgical Rehabilitation


If the patient has serious signs of scoliosis that require surgery Manhattan Physical Therapy provides post-surgical rehabilitation. It is instead intended to help the body recover and regain mobility and ensure successful post-surgery outcomes when a patient opts for physical therapy exercises and other forms of treatment.


Continuous Monitoring and Adjustment


It is important to understand that there is no single way to treat scoliosis as it is not a static condition. Manhattan Physical Therapy always evaluates the progress of both patients to see if positive results are being achieved from the treatment and make the needed changes to the treatment plans. We rely heavily on constant check-ups and tests to evaluate progress.




In conclusion, addressing scoliosis can significantly enhance your quality of life by restoring your natural posture and relieving discomfort. At our Manhattan Physical Therapy Centre, we provide cutting-edge treatments and expert care tailored to your unique needs. Take the first step towards a balanced, pain-free life by contacting us at (680)-208-3884. Our team is ready to help you achieve full functionality and embrace a future where wellness and vitality are your everyday companions. Don’t let scoliosis hold you back any longer—reach out today and start your journey to a healthier tomorrow.